Saturday, August 31, 2019

Contingencies on the Moral Ethics of Qu’ran

Moral ethics or moral philosophy involves the systemization, defense and recommendation of the concepts of right and wrong behavior. Currently, we define morality within the religious tomes and its dictates. The normative concept of what is right and wrong is religiously determined; that is to say that the moral dictums we follow or pattern is dependent on what the religious tomes, like the Bible [for the Christians] and Qu’ran [for the Moslem] impose on its’ followers. Take for instance, the suras of Mohammad in Al-Isra’ [ The Night Journey of the Children of Israel] , a Moslem disciple of Allah, defines the virtues and duties of a faithful Moslem. Hereto we investigate the moral dictums of Sura 17 of Qu’ran and moral implications on the contemporary society as well as several other important issues like the Sura politicization and current social relevance. Mohammad’s Sura 17Al Isra’ titled The Night Journey of the Children of Israel is equivocal to the Abraham’s Ten Commandments in the Christians Holy Bible. As human beings, we are differentiated from the rest of the animal kingdom by our ability to ‘reason’ and to play by the set of rules and obligations as members of the holistic society. The imposition of ‘rules’, ‘regulations’, and ‘duties’ are complex but the foundation is basically the same—they appear obligatory irrespective of the consequences that may follow. One major tenet of duty theories is duty/obligation to God/Allah and arguably, any religion for that matter, would necessitate or allude to the practice of inward and outward worship to God. For Moslems, such practice is neatly outlined in the ‘commandments’ imposed by Allah through the writings of His disciple Mohammad in Sura 17 of the Qu’ran. The precepts of Moslem moral duty are basically the same with that of the Christian, ‘Do not kill’, ‘Honoring parents’, ‘Do not lie’, ‘Avoid adultery’, ‘Do not covet, and ‘observing Sabbath’. Because such moral duties were defined thousands of years ago, they would naturally lose the characteristic elasticity especially if correlated to the current demands of the changing society. The contention is that with the rise of technology and the current trend of globalization, moral duty is now questioned with the concept of Darwinian adaptation. Looking at it this way, Moslem moral duty would need to rectify the age old wisdom to answer to the demands of the societal evolution. Would Allah’s commandments be suffice to feed the moral need of the people? Apparently, Allah puts emphasis on prima facie duties described in Qu’ran Sura 17. In actuality such duties lay conflict on our daily life. Poverty is a pox of the society and one of the major problems correlated to it is overpopulation. To combat this, the [most] government prescribed or legalized ‘abortion’ to control increasing population. Naturally, abortion is a huge no-no to Moslem duty and this was explicitly defined in Sura 17: YUSUFALI: Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin. PICKTHAL: Slay not your children, fearing a fall to poverty, We shall provide for them and for you. Lo! the slaying of them is great sin. SHAKIR: And do not kill your children for fear of poverty; We give them sustenance and yourselves (too); surely to kill them is a great wrong (v 32). The notion is laughable considering that raising children is a responsibility which entails financial sustenance and not just from abstract provision from Allah. While it true that abortion is an unorthodox method of population control from the religious view, it cannot be contested that it is a ‘legal’ right in most Western and Westernized countries alike. Additionally, the verse is also in contra with the women empowerment on their right to choose to deliver life of their own accord. Herein there is a question on individual moral conviction; in a sense, abortion is not religiously right by the premise of Allah’s Sura which is in contrast with the current trends on upholding women empowerment and the stabilizing force of the government-erected constitution. Perhaps the most debated issue on Allah’s commands is the verse concerning murder and the justice system underscored by it: .YUSUFALI: Nor take life – which Allah has made sacred – except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law). PICKTHAL: And slay not the life which Allah hath forbidden save with right. Whoso is slain wrongfully, We have given power unto his heir, but let him not commit excess in slaying. Lo! he will be helped. SHAKIR: And do not kill any one whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause, and whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided (V. 3). While it is true that murder is forbidden in Islam, there also constitute a just compensation for the victim and the allusion of Allah as the Supreme Being, Him being a cause to die for. Compensatory damages proceed by an almost unprecedented manner; Sharia law of qisas (retaliation) dictates an almost undemocratic treatment of the murder victims with biased favors for the Islams and only half of blood money allowed for the non-Islams. Such system of compensation is far-fetch from the now-favored legislative system which does not pass down court decisions on compensatory damages depending on the type of religion. The notion of Supremist religion of the Islamic community is instigated by the fact that Qu’ran and any Islamic texts (if not abrogated) states the omnipotence and the due reverence that must be bestowed to Him [Allah], and if otherwise not followed, will incur the curses of Allah and all mankind. YUSUFALI: And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression. PICKTHAL: And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. SHAKIR: And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressor (v. 93). While mercy killing is condemned, jihad is ‘just’ because it is for the cause of Allah and it is an acceptable means to obliterate the unbelievers. Over the course of history, and more so now, jihad is politicized by Islamic communities; Islam government and in some small discrete communities who practiced Islamic faith claimed that jihad is just if for the cause of retaliation and Allah. YUSUFALI: The prohibited month for th e prohibited month,- and so for all things prohibited,- there is the law of equality. If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, Transgress ye likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves. PICKTHAL: The forbidden month for the forbidden month, and forbidden things in retaliation. And one who attacketh you, attack him in like manner as he attacked you. Observe your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is with those who ward off (evil). SHAKIR: The Sacred month for the sacred month and all sacred things are (under the law of) retaliation; whoever then acts aggressively against you, inflict injury on him according to the injury he has inflicted on you and be careful (of your duty) to Allah and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil)(v. 194). Jihad then is a defensive mechanism for the Moslem community. Looking at it this way, genocide is permissible given that the victims are Christians or Islam non-believers. What is most daunting is that such principle/concept destroys diplomatic international relations between Moslems and Christians. Such moral principle lay conflict to the recently instigated international law banning warfare after the World War II. While it is true that religious laws lay foundation to our basic moral principles and ethics, it must be remembered that our greater obligation is to produce good for the greater mankind. An inspection on some Qu’ran laws display the importance of reconsidering or rectifying the foundations of Moslem moral ethics based on several social and universal moral considerations.

Drug Essay Essay

â€Å"Drug abuse and addiction are major burdens to society; however, staggering as these numbers are, they provide a limited perspective of the devastating consequences of this disease† Essay On Drugs Numerous incidents have been reported in television and social Medias in this persuasive  essay about drugs users and dealers who are caught in the acts, especially in those squatters area or what they call â€Å"drug dens†. Not only those person who live in this populated area are being reported to the authorities but believe it or not powerful persons like government officials also indulge their selves in using prohibited drugs. Most of the drug users in the Philippines are young people. Illegal drugs that are present include marijuana, LSD, opiates, and barbiturates. While there are no accurate statistics available, it is estimated that as many as 60,000 young people in the Philippines are dealing with drug addiction. So what is the reason why this young people are attracted to use this illegal drugs? Maybe you will agree with this points I’ve listed. I’ll focus my discussion on young people who use prohibited drugs. First, Enjoyment. Despite all the concerns about illegal drug use and the attendant lifestyle by young people, it is probably still the case that the lives of most young people are centred on school, home and employment and that most drug use is restricted to the use of tobacco and alcohol. They may adopt the behaviour, fashion and dialect of a particular subculture including the occasional or experimental use of illegal drugs without necessarily adopting the lifestyle. Even so, the evidence of drug use within youth culture suggests that the experience of substances is often pleasurable rather than negative and damaging. So possibly the main reason why young people take drugs is that they enjoy them. Second, Environment. Many young people live in communities which suffer from poverty, with high unemployment, low quality housing and where the surrounding infra-structure  of local services is fractured and poorly resourced. In such communities drug supply and use often thrive as an a lternative economy often controlled by powerful criminal groups. As well as any use that might be associated with the stress and boredom of living in such communities, young people with poor job prospects recognise the financial advantages and the status achievable through the business of small scale supply of drugs. Third, Curiosity. Most young people are naturally curious and want to experiment with different experiences. For some, drugs are a good conversation point, they are interesting to talk about and fascinate everyone. Lastly, Personal Problems. Some young people will use drugs specifically to ease the trauma and pain of bad relationships and the physical and emotional abuse arising from unhappy home lives. Such young people will often come to the attention of the school. If these problems can be addressed, then if drugs are involved they can become less of a problem. So how can we prevent this wide spread use of drugs and drug addiction? For me, it is within ourselves, and that is DISCIPLINE. It’s hard for me to know that the lives of my fellow young people are being devastated just because of this prohibited drugs. If I have the opportunity to renew their lives, I would help them by conducting seminars about drug addiction. I will encourage them to join some recreational activities to reverse the ir attention on drugs. I will share to them the Good News, which is Jesus Christ because I believe that He alone can change our lives, from evil to good. Works Cited Currie-McGhee, L. K. Drug Addiction. San Diego, CA, ReferencePoint Press, 2011. Drug Addiction. Strasbourg, Council of Europe Pub., 2005. â€Å"Drug Addiction.† Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, â€Å"Editorial Board.† Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, vol. 28, no. 2, 2015, p. iii. doi:10.1016/s0867-4361(15)00035-8.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Burka’s book Essay

On the surface ‘procrastination’ is an ideologically and psychologically fixed term – it is presumed that procrastination is definitely bad and is to be avoided. Thus there exists a whole plethora of books which seek to cure this tendency of ‘delaying. ’ And as far as such efforts go, this book is no exception, rather her book like so many others in its category systematically prescribes how to overcome what the ancients like St. Augustine called ‘acedia’ (depression leading to inordinate delays in doing anything within a time frame. What Burka misses is that it may be fine to procrastinate on doing one’s laundry over writing a thesis; to delay shaving over finishing a novel started from last night. Burka’s book suffers from giving equal importance to every work and an overt tendency to pre-plan everything. This need to plan and work towards goals is a recent phenomenon in self-help literature. Time – management books especially hinge on the setting of goals. There is a fear that by over-regimentation they kill all spontaneity and joy from life and make us automatons. But if one argues that the book is intended for clinically malefficient procrastinators then one ought to point out that self-help books are hardly written for those who need mental help. There is another point regarding this book. It is definitely a secularization of the concept of procrastination. In the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries and even later, ‘delaying’ was inevitably associated with the cardinal sin of sloth. This book opens up the issue for humanistic debates, albeit their humanism is rooted in the ontogeny of Freud. Burka and Yeun devote a whole chapter to the interrogation of procrastination as a formed infantile reaction to clinically significant psychological events. Fear is seen as the source for the ultimate interiorization of chronically delayed work habits. They list many different fears — the fear of losing, the fear of being humiliated, etc. Ultimately it is seen that all the various phobias are just related to the process of self-actualization and Jungian individuation. In a very interesting and significant paper Jennifer M. Kosmas1 gives a similar phobic-oriented account of procrastination. Whereas she and other experts in the field are highly technical and do not try to see how the tendency to delay can be prevented; Burka and Yeun posit a reductive approach to problem solving and thus, delay – negation. In this they follow the beaten path, not merely of psychiatrists but of self-help gurus and time management experts like the legendary Stephen Covey. Covey in his The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People asks us all to problem-solve by breaking the problem into parts and then working towards the solution within fixed time frames. All this is traditional and time-tested but the real problem for true procrastinators in not to only know the cause of their disease but rather for them, it is a mortal combat against the inertia caused by time itself. This is where the book fails. It falls short of giving any really effective formula to any reader which would impel him or her to just get up and doing a thing. One can plan and write all sorts of goals and have strict time frames; this book creates a programme of two weeks for procrastination de-addiction; but at the end one might just refuse to go running according to the planned start of any exercise regimen. In the final analysis, this book is a clearly written and popular account of procrastination but it fails miserably as a serious book with any real clinical significance. Innumerable studies have shown that procrastination is often psychosomatic and related with depression. The authors, in spite of being practicing psychiatrists, do not really tackle these issues. The parable like examples strewn throughout the book are just Chicken Soup (the popular series) sort of stories. The more serious sort of reader and patient will do better to study the original Freudian works on infantile hysteria and then read Stephen Covey’s books.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Management and Financial Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management and Financial Accounting - Essay Example The management account is a system of Accounting which deals with the information that is useful to the managers and employees with in the organization. Information of M A can be money or non money process. It helps in Management of plan, control and decision making process. It does not require any kind of legal requirement. In simpler words MA is useful in the assistance of planning, controlling, decision making and motivation. On the other hand financial accounting deals with the reporting of the official accounts on demand of the shareholder, government agencies and other parties external to the firm. FA deals with the accounts, records and the performance of the firm over a considered period. FA is limited to some companies and FA must be prepared by law. They are to be produced every year. FA mostly deals with money. It should operate with in the framework determined by law and IASS. FA represents the historic picture of the past operations. Preparing of these accounts gave birt h to the some other standard boards under the authorities of the previous standard boards and the government authorities and the main aim of such standard boards is to build up a firm in which such standards are introduced which are useful all over the world and their principle is to from such standards which are useful all over the world and useful for education and, implementing in the calculation of accounts in the multi nationals. And they hope and try their best to create an international standard so compatible that no other firm can be compared with it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

See attachment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

See attachment - Coursework Example If a species dies faster than it reproduces, there will be a great decrease in population size. The fourth factor that affects population size is the availability of food and an appropriate habitat. Food provides the species with energy and ability to reproduce. In the video, there are some factors mentioned above that affect population size. Firstly, the birth rate of the nutria is quite high compared to other species. This is because the female can give birth to three litters in a year and each litter contains roughly six young ones. Another factor that affects population size is immigration. This evident in the fur farms in Canada and United States of America, where populations of nutria have drastically increased. Another factor is the availability of food and the appropriate environment. This allows for the growth of the species. It is my prediction that there will be a decrease and eventual depletion of the nutria population after the land is depleted of the nutrias’ food resource. This is because the nutria will migrate in search of food in other fertile regions. Secondly, the remaining nutria will eventually die of starvation due to a lack of nourishment. Thirdly, the nutria will become pests resorting to scavenging and stealing food from

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

You can decide the topic whatever you want by those requirements I Essay - 6

You can decide the topic whatever you want by those requirements I posted - Essay Example The setting is desolate apart from a single person in the picture who contributes to the strangeness of the place. The person in white in the picture looks on and has no prejudged expression. It is unwelcoming for anyone to be represented in that manner (Harding 1). The human figure seems to reveal more than the empty feeling probably that the place is not meant for the public. On the other hand, yellow color is a celebratory affiliated color and could be used to mean a place to feel free and merry. From the stillness of the objects and person on the image begets the entire notion and drives the thinking of â€Å"what went wrong†. At night people like to get together before, they retire to their home that is evidently not the case in the painting. The artist was questioning the situation and sent out a clear message (Harding 1). The worst illustration the image brings forth is from the colorations on the table. The image uses a green billiard table that made use of a darker black color. The combination of black and green in itself is a scary affair, leave alone making it thick black and a shimmering green. When one puts into perspective the color mix and expressions in the film, nobody wants to be there because this is not a welcoming place (Harding 1). A stark black in the mix with a white colored clock cannot be missed from the background, and one can clearly discern the time that is a quarter after the midnight mark. To crown the encounter the image terribly expresses human passion by putting together red and the green color. Van uses the yellow wall to give on to blood red wall inclined and raised up to the ceiling that is painted with an obtrusive green (Harding 1). The hanging light bright in sulphuric yellow spreading it all across the room and surrounded by the Vincent’s wheel hunch over in the image in the late-night

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cultural dimension Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cultural dimension - Assignment Example The application of in-depth questions in the semi-structured questionnaires drew the study towards the acquisition of the required outcomes since the interviewees were not coerced to answer in a particular controlled manner. Therefore, the research process established the prevalence of a civilised culture in the Japanese society before the documentation of the Austrian culture. 2.1 Two students from Japan and Austria were selected for the interview, which involved the use of open-end questionnaires. The students were chosen because they possessed the most dominant and influential cultures in the history of civilization. With the use of open-end questions and semi-structured questionnaires, they were asked many questions; hence, they stimulated the opportunity of acquiring a wide range of answers in the absence of research bias. This was done by using the most important issues about their cultures. In this questionnaire, the participants were enquired to rate the most significant and particular issues. These questions helped in understanding concepts that hold significance to the respondents, and allowed critical decisions about the countries’ cultures. The two students answered the questions in accordance to their societal perspectives; hence, the results influenced the study to establish that the Japanese and Austrian societies were embracing democratic practices in leadership, with the common objective being the improvement of the lifestyles and economic progression. 2.2 The  next section represents an analytical approach that evaluates the information gathered during the study. Since the application of the qualitative method of survey enhanced the level of participation among the chosen sample population, it was noted that there were many differences and similarities between the Japanese and Austrian cultures. The Japanese culture is exceedingly older than the Austrian culture

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Epicurus Stand on the Psychological Egoism Essay

Epicurus Stand on the Psychological Egoism - Essay Example The parents will be happy with the student but his joy is when he gets that particular. I concur as well with his ethical egoism reasoning. Think of even the altruism shown by Mother Theresa. Though I have respect for the deeds of Mother Theresa, she did what she did precisely to appease her God whom demands that she be caring and at the end of the day she will be sure of inheritance of the goodies of eternity. Everybody will want to do something that he will be recognized for and this validates the idea of civilized self-interest. The benefit attached to the conduct may vary and it’s this difference that defines different personalities. For Mother Theresa, she was divinely driven while to others they may be driven by other factors Despite all the facts outlined, egoism is hard to prove and this is the major reason why criticism is unavoidable. Amazingly, I believe that these two phenomena are evident on everybody. There are times when features of psychological egoism will be seen in somebody and this does do not shield portrayal of ethical egoism.   It is harder even to take a stand on the two.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gamification Primer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gamification Primer - Essay Example amification is applied in business is to improve the competitiveness of a given business over other competitors and increase the market share, hence profitability. It is a shift from the games modeling the real world to the real world emulating games. Understanding game mechanics is significant as it enables the understanding of the real forces that affect business behavior and trends across the globe (Burke 35). Common players in games include both corporate and individuals that do it for different reasons, although the aim is to gain in different ways. Despite the benefits that are associated with the different games, challenges and risks emerge as well. For instance, an organization could apply a different game that could result in great losses and its exit from the industry if other competitors play similar games at the same time. To this end, gamification utilizes technological innovation and research and development to increase the benefits. Barclays Bank is a multinational banking group that began its operations in the United Kingdom and expanded to other countries across the globe. The organization deals with provision of investment and personal banking among other services. The bank has positioned itself as a dominant financial institution in the industry given its good financial performance. However, maintenance of the dominance is not an easy task for the bank it had to undertake different strategies (Burke 67). Gamification is one of the strategies that Barclays bank undertook. Under this strategy, the bank has the objective of generating value for all the customers it serves in its services and products. Barclays Bank is involved in intense marketing strategies some of which include integrated marketing. This is manifested in several ways such as the promotions and adverts in the broadcast media. Corporate social responsibility activities such as the support of the English Premier league is another example of mar keting strategies. The competencies

Friday, August 23, 2019

Nucor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nucor Corporation - Essay Example To begin with, there is competition for the inputs that are required in the production of steel. The industry core input is from recycling of scrap metal. The many firms in the industry thus compete for these metals used in production. There is also competition for market share between the players. Market share determines the level and volume of sales that a firm makes and therefore influence e the profits to a firm (Porter, 1998). The foreign suppliers further tighten competition for market share in the steel industry. Firms in this industry as well are faced by the threat of entry by new firms as this may influence negatively on the performance of the already existing firms. Michael Porter five forces model can be applied to explain the competitive forces in this market. According to porter, the five factors that influence the performance of firms are the threat of entry of new firms, threat of substitute products, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of customers, and t he rivalry among firms (Porter, 1998). These five forces will affect operations and determine the policies to be adopted by firms to ensure that the competitive edge against competitors is attained. In this market for instance, there is high bargaining power of customers. ... The fight for market share is a zero sum game where if one firm increases its market share then the others will lose their share. In the US industry, there is threat of entry of very new firms or formation of partnership, alliances, or mergers that will make the competition stiffer. Nucor Corporation has therefore increased its acquisition of new firms and reduced the bureaucracy to ensure flexibility and better performance. The industry is thus highly competitive. The bargaining power of suppliers also exists in the industry because of the many firms in the industry. In this industry, firms have to look for scrap metals that are molted and used in producing steel products. The companies must therefore offer good prices for input for them to have continued supply of raw materials and reliable suppliers. The third force is the threat of substitute products. Substitute products have similar uses and satisfy the same need, therefore becoming important for competition. Industries that ar e characterized by the existence of closer substitutes are highly competitive and must ensure quality production and good pricing. Continuous restructuring and strategies are also important for the success of the firms. Presence of substitute products in the steel industry, together with the imports from china, turkey and other foreign countries have made competition stiff in this industry (Thompson, 2010). The four forces together with the rivalry among firms are the component of the five forces model. The rivalry among firms is determined by the ease of exit, branding, product identity, product difference and switching cost. The low cost of switching and the ease of exit makes the steel industry in US

Types of Offenses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Types of Offenses - Assignment Example Introduction It is important to note that there are specific elements of a crime that constitute any given type of crime, an attempted murder included. When one has been accused of attempted murder, he or she has not necessarily been convicted of attempting to kill someone because an accusation is not considered a conviction. Emanuel (2007) argues that such an accusation must have the elements of the crime for one to be considered guilty of committing it (Scaros, 2004). Since Mr. Assin has merely been formally accused in a court of law of committing the crime of attempted murder, it does not mean that he is guilty of the crime (Currier & Eimermann, 2009). In this particular case, Mr. Assin is simply in trouble because he was caught in between an interesting scenario and has been mistakenly accused of being responsible for planning to kill Sally’s husband. This essay will present a memo addressing Mr. Assin’s worries of whether or not he is guilty of the crime of attempt ed murder, and explaining to him the elements of such a crime. MEMO TO: Mr. G. Ilty Assin FROM: Criminal attorney DATE: 21-January-2012 SUBJECT: Charges of attempt to commit murder in the first degree Following the scenario at the restaurant involving Sally, the woman who was attempting to murder her husband, this memo addresses your concerns, explaining the elements of murder including what is required to convict one of attempted murder and whether or not you committed the crime of attempted murder. 1. Explanation of the elements of murder including what is required to convict someone of attempt to commit murder. The elements of a crime such as murder are all those basic sets of common law principles that are necessary for criminal liability. The elements of murder therefore refer to the predetermined factors of a crime that sustain its conviction. According to Emanuel (2007), murder is defined as the unlawful killing of another human being, often with malice. Murder has several el ements that are recognizable by law. The first element of murder is the intent of killing someone else. This means that the accused must have had the intentions of committing murder or might have been very reckless or negligent to such an extent that his or her acts showed the intention of murdering someone else (Scaros, 2004). The second element of murder is the actual act of killing someone else. This refers to the physical action (s) taken by someone that resulted in the death of someone else (Currier & Eimermann, 2009). The third and final element of murder it the causation of murder. In this case, the act or intention to murder someone must be determined as the legal and actual cause of death. If a person had the legal obligation to act or not act in a certain way and he or she fails to follow this obligation, he or she will be held liable if their actions or failure of caused the death of some

Thursday, August 22, 2019

African-American Separatism Essay Example for Free

African-American Separatism Essay African-American novelist James Baldwin (1963) maintained that at the heart of inhumanity perpetrated by whites upon blacks is the projection of their own paranoia, hate and longing. Baldwin supposed that should white people learn how to accept themselves, â€Å"the Negro problem will no longer exist, for it will no longer be needed.† At the core of Baldwin’s hypothesis is that cruelty to the black man persists because of the white man’s dissatisfaction with its own culture (hence the occasional white man who romanticizes and aspires to black ideals). Few other eras in white American history evoke such a level of dissatisfaction as the era of The Great Depression, a period of downturn not just in economy but in morale. When white culture has descended to such low spirits, it is no surprise that black separatism emerged. Marcus Garvey advocated a form of Pan-Africanism which suggested that black people reclaim and re-colonize Africa in order to form its own black nation. Elijah Muhammad on the other hand, advocated a form of black nationalism called The Nation of Islam, which concentrated more on social infrastructure such as the development of economics and nationhood. The emergence of these doctrines are not entirely surprising: with white culture being at its most broken state, the zeitgeist which results for blacks is to advocate a repudiation of this culture. Black pride therefore takes the shape of one race formulating its own society as a means to escape this broken culture, as well as to evade the white man’s inevitable projection of latent self-hate. Separatism and nationalism is therefore of meaningful use to the black races, simply because it allows them to chart their own national, political and civic self-identity apart from that which has been foisted upon them by the white culture, as well as free them from the scrutiny or approval of the white culture. However, it also poses risks because for every weakness, shortcoming or failure that may arise from nations and cultures created by these movements is the potential for more discrimination from the white culture, which will most likely subject these to more racially-charged judgment.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Regulation of Advertising in the UAE

Regulation of Advertising in the UAE Contents (Jump to) Introduction Cases of regulation in the United Arab Emirates Top exercise in compliance Advertising Standards in UAE Aims Standards in association to advertisements Conclusion Bibliography Introduction With numerous advertising messages contending for the responsiveness of the potential customers, it might be appropriate to determine that there is enormous pressure on both advertisers and advertising agencies to make sure that their advertisements are the most notable. Further seeing that the normal time taken to make an impression using sign board adverts is seemingly between five to three seconds, the pressure to make sure that an advert is efficient increases vitally (Waldo, 2012). As an outcome of the competition for the consideration of the potential customers, advertisers might feel attracted to overstate the features and qualities of services or products offered, or use other means of language that may result in being more notable than precise (Waldo, 2012). Taking account of the large investment sources gotten to tolerate behind advertising campaigns and the effect that effective campaign can have in attaining greater sales or greater customer commitment, it is not just the customers that are in need of protection from misleading adverts, but also trade competitors (Advertising Standards for the UAE, 2013). Misleading or overstated claims in adverts about the benefits of or features of a product may be detrimental to the sales of contending products and may incidentally indicate insufficiencies in contending products. For example, an assertion that product A gives you the complete satisfaction and there is no other product as such, this clearly indicates that other similar products in the market are insufficient in comparison with product A as they do not deliver same level of satisfaction (Setting up an advertising agency in the UAE, 2013). Cases of regulation in the United Arab Emirates In some dominions, such as for instance the UK, advertising is fundamentally structured through sovereign self-regulating bodies, as well as certain legislation. In the UAE no such self-regulating body exits and advertising is regulated through a mixture of requirements drafted from laws emphasizing on the protection of customers and on the other hand, the happenings of businesses that might establish prejudicial competition. The Executive Regulation to the Customer Protection Law delivers that the customers have a privilege to be delivered with the facts that support them in appropriate consumption and purchases. The Executive Regulation further precisely deals with advertising, providing: â€Å"No individual will be allowed to advertise in any medium any service or goods in a manner which results in mystifying or misleading customers.† (Waldo, 2012). The Department for Customer Protection is the suitable governmental department which deals with customer complaints and the Customer Protection Law delivers for a minimum fine in the occurrence of an infringement of the law. Customers distressed by deceiving adverts may consequently address their complaints unswervingly to the Department for Customer Protection (Zainab, 2014). Additionally, to the provisions of the Customer Protection Law, the Suppression of Fraud Executive Regulation discourses salable declarations whether made indirectly or directly providing: â€Å"must be appropriate in all reverences whether placed on shops, inside shops, products, or on invoices, packaging, correspondence, advertising tool or material or any other things used to deliver goods to the customers.† Commercial statements are identified in the Fraud Regulation to comprise for instance the â€Å"specifications and power† and â€Å"configuration† of products and as such, advertisin g comprising germane claims that are not correct in any reverence will be in infringement of the Fraud Regulation. The domain of the Fraud Regulation is much inclusive than the sheer emphasize on â€Å"commercial statements† as demarcated therein, as it also delivers that a trader may not recourse to any approach that would mislead or confuse the customers as well as delivering that â€Å"A merchant, producer, manufacturer may not† (Michael, 2010). Additionally, to the above stated regulation and laws governing advertising acts, the Commercial Transactions Law delivers additional protection to the potential competitors in trade that may be influenced by deceiving adverts. The Commercial Transactions Law delivers that a â€Å"dealer must not recourse to cheating and fraud when making his goods, nor may he publish or spread deceitful specifics that are detrimental to the interests of another competitor trader†. Where a dealer is shamefaced of disobeying this provision, it will be accountable to pay the damages (Anita, 2013). Though, in UAE there is no existence of self-regulating body that delivers a platform for the submission and hearing of advertising associated complaints, the United Arab Emirates legal system delivers numerous mechanisms through which traders and customers can complain against deceiving and misleading advertising. There is consequently no reason for either customers or trader to accept deceiving and irresponsible adverts in the UAE, specifically where advertisers should take appropriate consideration of the vital language and cultural differences that occur in the customer population in the UAE (Michael, 2010). Top exercise in compliance There is a probability that the UAE governments increased emphasize on customer protection and attempts to make customers aware of their privileges as customers may lead to more crucial evaluation of advertising claims by both government officials and customers. In contradiction of the circumstantial of advertising regulation in the UAE and the greater general social accountability of advertisers to customers, advertisers should make sure as a top exercise that internal advertising authorization must also include suitable legal review and legal compliance authorization (Mo, 2013) Advertising Standards in UAE Upon publication in the Federal Newspaper, the latest Advertising Standards will oblige to unite the various fundamentals regulating content in association to advertisements in the UAE, underlining numerous principle decrees (Anita, 2013). Aims With a perspective of making sure that the advertising industry’s act in accordance with the laws and regulations of the UAE, the latest Standards governing advertising are proposed to: Impart reverence for the local cultural, social and religious values and beliefs which triumph in the UAE. Fortify the independence of expression of the media. Form the advertising division as one which contributes to the progression of economic growth in the UAE and make sure that all advertising content is; honest, unbiased, have respect for the privacy of individuals and protects the public from detrimental effects (Anita, 2013). Standards in association to advertisements The advertising Standards define ideologies in association to all old-style and digital adverts published or broadcast via any media organization and channel in the UAE. Though the advertising Standards does not set out the meaning of these terms, they may be perceived generally to involve advertisements issued by stores, for instance (Advertising Standards for the UAE, 2013). Many of the Standards defined in the Advertising Standards repeat ideologies already formed under numerous prevailing regulations and legislations, while others comes with new laws regulating advertising content in the province and advertisements (Advertising Standards for the UAE, 2013). Here is the summary of the key standards below: Reverence for political and religion institutions – All the advertising content must account for respect to all religions and must not in any way offend Islamic values. It must not disregard the government of the UAE and/or the political institutions and symbols thereof. Forbidden services/products – The advertising Standards clearly forbid the advertising of products like alcohol, tobacco and all other banned products or services. Forbidden content – The standard forbid the publication of pictures and words that breach public ethics. They also forbid the propagation and spread of information that may prejudice women or children or public in general. The standard also forbids the incitement of hatred, sectarianism and violence through advertising content. Privacy – With a perspective to protect the privacy of the public, the Standards clearly forbids the broadcast and publication misleading rumors and news. Customer protection – The Standards mandate obedience with the rules regulating customer protection and commercial activities specifically in association to anti-competitive unlawful monopolies and practices. Health legislations – Advertising content associated pharmaceutical products or medicines must be in compliance with the laws defined by Cabinet Resolution No. 7 of 2007 Regarding Health Advertisements legislations. Conclusion The rules and regulations mentioned above is the framework of how advertisements are governed in the UAE. Any company selling their products or services in UAE must comply with all these rules and regulations when before marketing their product or advertising it, any failure to comply with these may lead to crucial penalties (Shani, 2010). Bibliography Advertising Standards for the UAE. (2013). Retrieved from Anita, S. (2013). ADVERTISING STANDARDS FOR THE UAE. Retrieved from Michael, H. (2010). UAE Health Advertisements Regulation Could Challenge Industry. Retrieved from Mo, A. (2013). The UAE National Media Council regulates dialects in advertising. Retrieved from Setting up an advertising agency in the UAE. (2013). Retrieved from Shani, S. (2010). Consumer Protection Law of UAE. Retrieved from Steve, B. (2014). Sports sponsorship: advertising restrictions in the GCC. Retrieved from Waldo, S. (2012). Advertising Regulations in the UAE. Retrieved from Zainab, C. (2014). Misleading Trade Descriptions And Sanctions Thereof. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Impact of New Media on Teenagers | Research

Impact of New Media on Teenagers | Research THE IMPACT OF NEW MEDIA ON TEENAGERS CONDUCT Emily Shaba The data was obtained through interviews at two high schools and through the below interview questions. Interview questions The majority of teenagers in schools access new media through their phones and laptops. The main sites that are used or the most used form of new media is Facebook and Whatsapp as well as the internet in general through Google to find out things they are curious about. Most of the youth as well admitted to having used new media frequently some even admit to being addicted to it. According to the research however new media has positively impacted teenagers in a lot of positive ways the first being it helps them with research in school work and finding out about other things that they may be curious about. Social sites help to build a closer relationship between teenagers and their friends plus relatives that may be far away. It provides quick and cheap communication as compared to phone calls and text messages or travelling to meet their friends and relatives. It also helps with making new friends for teenagers that are naturally shy and cannot or find it had to make friends or interact with others physically. They get a chance to find someone to interact with and talk to when need be. Makes them understand new technology that is coming in and how to use it effectively. They are however also some negative ways in which new media impacts teenagers firstly being that despite the ability to make new friends they are not trustworthy. This may be imposter’s people with bad manners that may end up sharing them with the teenagers or worse criminals who end up harming innocent teens or stealing from them. Most teenagers also admitted to the fact that it is too tempting, it gives them the chance to see things that may be inappropriate to them on a silver platter it is like leaving chocolate on the table for a kid and telling them not to eat when its alone with them in the room for days and nobody has the ability to know if they eat it. This also results in teens being exposed to porn and other inappropriate pictures which later trigger things like premarital sex and early pregnancies. Teens are also exposed to a western way of life and tend to think drugs and alcohols are part of life and if you do not drink go clubbing or use media then you feel left out and backwards in time. It is so addictive that teens can not focus on anything else other than it. It also gives wrong information about various things and teens get wrong advice from their new internet found friends about different things which ends up corrupting their character. Most teenagers agreed to there being a change in the way they act or view things since they started using new media. They know more things than they did in the past and they are pickier about things more especially the way they dress or act around friends. New media from an academic point of view has also impacted them positively in that it helps them with homework and research when their given something to work on at school. It also helps them to find notes, books and past papers that their school may not be able to provide which also helps with their performance in class. They also learn a lot of new things online that they may not be able to learn in school. They are able to get inspiration from other people that they are able to look up and find out about their lives online. It helps with their spellings and grammar. New media however also has academic disadvantages which according to the research included: It reduces concentration on school as the time that would be used for studying is rather used on new media or social sites. Instead of concentrating in class teens are busy on their phones using social media or thinking about what to say to who, their next Facebook or WhatsApp profile picture and status. It makes them lazy and increases chances of plagiarism as they might as well take an already written paper and just change it than spend time on writing a paper rather than on the internet. Due to the many abbreviations used on social sites the teens spellings are sometimes affected and their language too. It provides them sometimes with the wrong information on their school work too. It has also impacted the way they relate to their friends in that they have more time to chat and hence it brings them closer. However other friends that do not use new media are isolated. It reduces interaction between teens instead of them meeting up to chat or do another thing they only want to talk using social media. Most teens start to feel that their culture is left behind and start to despise it. They, as a result, they forsake culture and tradition which ends up leading them astray. This also destroys the spreading of our African culture and heritage with other as it is slowly dying. People end up following western culture and values and even dressing which may be inappropriate for the African society. Like not doing house chores or ignoring guests when they come instead of greeting them and making them feel at home. Most admit to their principles being bent to some extent to fit in which may not, however, be an appositive thing, especially If what they are fitting into is inappropriate and destructive. I was also shocked to find out that their other teens that do not use any form of new media or social site and some that only use new media for school in this day of age and time. This was due to parents denying them access to it after witnessing a reduction in their grades. Others were because of their religion not permitting them to do so or simply not wanting to do so after being affected by it negatively in some ways. They said the was an increase in their performance due to this in class as they had more time to study but however lacked some friends and often felt left out. Most teens did say they should be an age restriction on sites as to what they can and cannot view. They should be appropriate pictures on social sites. And finally, parents should mind the time that their children are given internet access. Some teens suggested being given access in the evening, weekends and on holidays. The Victorian Era: Social Classes Of England The Victorian Era: Social Classes Of England The Victorian Era social classes of England are unlike any other social system; every rule could be bent or broken (An Community, par. 1). A person could be born into the lowest class, and could end up being part of the nobility by marriage (An Community, par. 1). Some heiresses were married to local families (Thornber par. 10). An example of the odd rules would be how the aristocracy and gentry, in mid-nineteenth century, would become the upper class(Cody par.2). The Victorian Era is viewed as a period of great opportunity for every class.(Loftus par. 1). Each class can be divided by power, authority, wealth, working and living conditions, life-styles, education, and culture(Cody par. 2). At times, the middle class took power, not the upper class(Loftus, par. 1)The lower class was divided mainly by the wealth and working conditions of families(, par. 19). The main groups consist of upper class -aristocracy and gentry-, middle class, and lower cl ass. The gentry were lines of land-owning families from noble men (Thornber, pars. 2 and 4). Their system of inheriting the land from their father helped the gentry, but it eventually destructed them (Thornber par. 4). A main reason was the decline of agriculture after the Napoleonic Wars (Thornber par. 4). Some of the gentry managed to keep their estates (Thornber par. 8). Another reason for the gentrys fall was the male inheritors decline into moral sin (French and Rothery 403). The landed gentry was in control until the younger sons started to put the families financial security in danger; they were soon sent to an outside school (French and Rothery 403-405). This moral decline was soon blamed on the parents teaching of their children (French and Rothery 404). Although the kids did go to school, their circle of activity still revolved around society (French and Rothery 405). Although one might think the gentry to be powerful, the aristocrats retain the power (, pars.8). The sinple definition of aristocracy is rule of the best or superior (Aristocracy, par. 2). It has the least change out of all the social classes (, pars.8). Most people who made up the aristocracy were politicians who came from noble families (, pars.8). The unelected House of Lords is mainly made up of aristocrats (, par. 8). If you were part of the British aristocracy, by birth, you were a gentleman (The Gentleman, par.2). To be an aristocrat one had to have land (An community, par. 1). Oddly enough, most aristocrats were not of the richest or most powerful families (An Community, par. 3). The aristocrats were also head of the social life (, par.10). The great families filled the main circles, through their youth, with fashion and culture (Escott par. 2). They lived on grand country estates where they would go hunting and fishing (, par.10). Some aristocrats even had London estates which would opened up during certain seasons (, par. 10). Aristocrats eventually came to a point where they did not do anything but flaunted their wealth, and politics became a game (Escott par. 2). They realized they needed to step up their game when the middle class began to rise (Escott par. 2). The middle class consisted of businessman, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, merchants, and any other men just above the lower class (Loftus par. 2). To be part of the middle class, one had to take care of ones self, their family, and ones community (Loftus par. 4). It is safe to say that a definition of the middle class is impossible (Loftus par. 1).The dream of the businessmen in the middle class was to become part of the aristocracy (, par. 11). Over time, the middle class changed into a small group mainly made up of professionals, factory owners, merchants, and writers (, par 12). An example of one of these would be the writer, Conan Doyle (Hammer 56 65). The middle class, unlike the aristocracy, made their society on rights not by hereditary gain (Loftus par. 1). The middle class has two main sections, the upper middle class and the lower middle class (, pars. 13 17). The upper middle class was between professionals, and industrialists (, par. 14). Professionals were the doctors, lawyers, clergy, and top civil servants (, par. 14). The lower middle class was made up of mostly women (, par. 16). Many upper middle class men worked in banks or climb up the ladder to rule the empire (, par. 15). These men were usually the ones who used their riches to buy homes and became just as rich as the aristocracy (Loftus par. 3). The middle classs economy and financial variations were made by differences on background, politics, and religion (Loftus par. 3). They mainly came from political coherence (Loftus par. 4). Emphasized by competition, thrift, and self-reliance, the middle class began to rise into power (Loftus par. 4). All their success was due to their principles on individuality (Loftus par. 5). Every middle class person, through hard work and self- reliance, could have had economic and social success (Loftus par. 5). Many critics, like Thomas Carlyle, were fearful that the middle class individualism would be a threat to the community (Loftus par. 5). Much of the middle class success came from the political economy as well as the social economy (Loftus par. 8). They were always ready for improvement; it was key to their culture (Loftus par. 8). The middle class defined themselves by attempting to make the lower class see their potential (Loftus par. 9). The lower class was more commonly known to the Victorians as the working class (, par. 18). The workers of the working class can be divided into six groups: high-paid labor, regular standard earners, small regular earners, intermittent earners, casual earners, and the lowest class (, pars. 18 and 19). The largest group division were the regular standard earners, which had more people than the other five groups put together (, par. 20). The regular standard earners were men who made their wages from the Victorian economy; as it rose, so did their wages (, par. 20). When the economy boomed, people had less children, which meant more time for relaxing (, par. 20). The Victorian Era was the best time for one to spend their days in leisurely activity (, par. 24). As life became better for the higher working classes, who are known as deserving poor, the poor became more desperate (, par. 21). While the deserving poor get charity, if and when they need it, the lowest class gets nothing (, par. 21). This class made up about a quarter of all the outskirt areas (, par. 21). Some of these people may be criminals or unemployed, but each of them live in conditions beyond their control (, pars. 22 23). Times became so bad that one might have seen another selling dog droppings (, par. 22). Country poverty was even more sad (, par. 23). Most people survived on eight pounds a year (, par. 23). Some teenagers were forced to join gangs and mothers had to give their babies opium so they would not cry (, par. 22 23). Though, if one of these men could save enough money to start a small business, he could move up into middle class (Loftus par. 11). The Victorian era was the best time for leisurely activity (, par. 24). The upper class, middle class and lower class began to fade away shortly after this end of this period (French and Rothery 402-422). As stated earlier, the Victorian Era gave opportunity to most everyone (Loftus par. 1). Each class opportunity was shown through power, authority, and wealth (Cody par. 2). At the close of this era, the higher middle class sat with the upper middle class at operas in the royal box, thus showing the opportunity in the classes (, par. 3). Interestingly enough, there are a few noble families still left in England today (An Community, par. 18). Work Cited An Community. 31 March 2010. English Social Classes. 08 November 2010 . aristocracy. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2010 ed. 2010 Time Travelers Guide to Victorian Britain. 2010. . 2010. Modern History Sourcebook. 2010. . French, Henry and Mark Rothery. Upon Your Entry into the World: masculine values and the threshold of adulthood among landed elites in England 1680-1800.Social History. 33 (4 Nov. 2008) : 402 422. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO Brandon Public Library. 01 November 2010. . Hammer, Joshua. Sherlock Holmes London. Smithsonian January 2010:56-65 David, Cody. The Victorian Web. 2002. The Victorian Web. 22 July 2002 Social Class. 27 October 2010 . David, Cody. The Victorian Web. 2002. The Victorian Web. 22 July 2002 The Gentlemen. 01 November 2010 . Loftus, Donna. BBC. 15 October 2010 The Rise of the Victorian Middle Class. 08 November 2010 . Thornber, Craig. Cheshire Antiquities. 2010 The East Cheshire Gentry. 08 November 2010 .

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Burger Court Essay -- Biography, Warren Earl Burger

Warren Earl Burger was born September 17th, 1907 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was of Swiss and German ancestry and served as the 15th Chief Justice to the United States Supreme Court. After graduating from St. Paul College of Law in 1931, the lifelong republican held many various positions in the legal system while working his way to the top. Burger focused mainly in the areas of corporate law, real estate and probate law, while at the same time becoming involved in politics. Furthermore, he was involved in many successful campaigns which brought attention to himself by prominent republicans. His appointment to the U.S Court of Appeals quickly built his background as a law and order judge. Serving in the circuit courts for a mere thirteen years led to his appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1969 by President Richard M. Nixon. Once appointed Chief Justice, Burger presided over numerous cases, Burger’s goals as Chief Justice was to modernize and streamline the cou rts to make them more accessible and functional, along with originating the idea of employing professional court administrators, implementing continuing education for judges, and improving coordination between federal and state courts, in addition to being noted for his outspoken criticism of ill-prepared litigators who used the jobs as a way of on-the-job training (Facts, 1996). While serving in the Supreme Court, Justice Burger was involved in many important cases. Chief Justice Burger and the court case of Roe v. Wade is the historic Supreme Court decision overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and making abortion legal in the United States (Roe, 2011). Taking place on January 22nd, 1973, the argument over abortion was started. In June of 196... ...d the president cannot use executive privilege as an excuse to withhold evidence that is demonstrably relevant in a criminal trial. (Nixon, 2011) The negative effect of this court case is that the inadequate actions of President Nixon unfortunately had to lead to the termination of his Presidency. Warren Earl Burger was a self-made man who rose from modest origins to become the fifteenth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Striving for the rights of the individuals and for the best outcome on the situation, Justice Burger was the meaning of a true judge working for the people. For example, in the court case of Wade v. Roe, the final decision helped to establish the idea and thoughts on abortion through pro-life and pro-choice groups. During Reed v. Reed, the idea of protection for men and women from gender discrimination was in the view of Burger.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Analysis of Ballad of the Harp-Weaver Essay -- Ballad Harp-Weaver E

An Analysis of Ballad of the Harp-Weaver Take just a second to read the first eight lines very carefully. Picture yourself as a small child being with your mother or father sitting on their lap as they hold you. It is a good feeling that brings warmth and security to any child or any adult needing to recapture the essence of their childhood. In the first four lines we are to understand that the boy's mother is trying to rub his skin to make him warm. That is what "chafe" means, to warm by rubbing. But how many times have you found yourself not quite sleepy enough to go to sleep and you ask your mother or father to read you a bedtime story? In this section we find the relationship between mother and son the very epitome of maternal union. Their bonding takes place in a form that most children can remember from the early part of their lives. The act of storytelling is a wonderful part of growing up. Before the invention of reading and writing, people struggled to survive against nature, animals and other humans. This poem is a good example of this basic need to survive by using whatever resources you have to keep alive. To survive, people developed skills that grew into cultural and educational patterns. This idea is present when we read the part about the severity of that winter and the mother and son burning up their furniture to stay warm. The boy's mother is teaching him that you can use the wood in the furniture to use in the fire. That is an important lesson that a parent can pass down in order to insure the survival of their offspring. It teaches a lesson that a child would not otherwise know and can be used again and again to help future generations. For a culture to continue into the future, peop... ... into their path of agony by letting us know it is Christmas. The boy cannot be soothed by his mother's singing and cries himself to sleep. This is so heart wrenching for any mother to have to endure. I believe this is the climax of the poem. The mother knows she can no longer go on with just rhymes and singing. In fact even her love cannot soothe her sons torment anymore. But we are left to wonder what it is she can do. She uses the only thing left, the harp. The boy talks about a light that falls on her, yet its source is unknown. Is it the light of God or divine intervention that is helping her to understand what she must do? Or is it just that light that appears in our heads out of nowhere when we have exhausted all our options? We begin to understand that the harp is her last resort. The poem makes no mention of her playing the harp before so why now?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Diversity in Crash Essay

The movie Crash (2004), directed by Paul Haggis, is full of different racisms, social and multicultural differences. There are seventeen different characters in this movie ranging from different race, gender, social class and ethnicity. These are stereotypes that people face every day of their lives. Crash really shows the assumptions that we make of others and how people of different backgrounds interact with each other. The movie really made me realize how I act in these types of situations. This movie not only shows the multicultural differences in society, but I think places an emphasis on it within the criminal justice system. In one of the first scenes we see a Persian man with his daughter in a gun store trying to purchase a gun. The owner of the store who is a white male has a very negative attitude towards the man and his daughter. His attitude and gestures really show the negative stereotypes towards the Persian race. The store owner made remarks regarding the attacks on 9/ 11. The store owner is associating them with the Arabs that actually attacked the U.S. Anyone from the Middle East seems to fall under the same category for the store owner. There are many stereotypes that have been around for years, no matter how hard we have tried to get rid of them. Sandra Bullock’s character had made the statement, â€Å"If a white woman sees two black men walking towards her and turns the other way, she’s a racist. Well I got scared and didn’t say anything, and the next thing I knew, I had a gun shoved in my head!† This was a turning point for her and her beliefs. Although the men who shoved a gun to her head were black, she started to be racist towards anyone that was not white. A Hispanic male was changing the locks on her house and she automatically started throwing insults at him. Sandra figured that he would make copies of the keys and come back and break into her house. The way Sandra acted; I think is how most people may respond to situations like that. This can be especially true for the police departments. When an officer has a bad experience with another race while on duty, it can affect other situations the officer may come across with the same race. The officer may think that everyone of that race is the same way. I have always believed that racism, social and multicultural differences were a result from how we were brought up. I believed that if your parents were racist, then you too would be racist. At first, Matt Dillon’s character showed the signs of this theory. Dillon showed that he had a very close bond with his father, which I assumed where he learned his behavior from. This would end up being the furthest from the truth. Dillon’s beliefs come from working on the LAPD for many years and the frustration that he would have at his father’s doctor’s office. At the doctor’s office, Dillon believed that the lady was not trying her hardest to help his father, because she was black. Police corruption is not something that the public hears about a lot. Usually, this is something the police departments try to keep out of the media. There was a situation in the movie that really shows the corruption that can happen. Matt Dillon’s and Ryan Phillips characters are partners on the police force. One night on patrol they pulled over an SUV with a black couple inside. Dillon had offered to let them go without a ticket if the woman would perform sexual acts. As Ryan was looking on at the situation he saw that Dillon was groping and touching the woman inappropriately. While Dillon was assaulting the woman all her husband could do was look on. If he had tried to stop it he would have been arrested. I hate to think this happens, but I know that it does. Ryan decided that he no longer wanted to be Dillon’s partner. He went to his boss and tried to give reason as to why he wanted out. Ryan had to cover what Dillon did and come up with a different reason as to why he wanted a new partner. In our book Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice explains and gives many examples of sexual misconduct. At the bottom of page 188 it talks about how officers would go â€Å"bimbo hunting.† This would include sexual harassment towards women out drinking, prostitutes and homeless women. These types of situations really show the corruption in a police department. Police chiefs do not want to bring negative attention to their force, so they usually end up covering up what is going on. As far as my personal experience, growing up in Arizona I was in contact with many different races and cultural back grounds. I would like to say that I do not judge people and give them a chance. However, this would not be true. I think we really do use previous experiences and judge others from those. If I were a police officer, I think it would be really hard not to carry over my experiences each time I have a run in with a certain race. I do know that if I witnessed police corruption going on that I would bring it to someone’s attention. We arrest those who sexually harass or rape others that are not on the police force. Therefore, I would not let them get away with anything just because they are an officer. Trouble facing stereotypes can happen anywhere. It is not restricted to race and cultural backgrounds. There are stereotypes against age, social class, gender and there are many more. These stereotypes can cause friction within the same ethnic backgrounds. Until our society takes control and changes these, then there will always be prejudice. The movie Crash really makes us take a look ourselves and how we behave and how much we are all alike in reality. There are so many different scenes in that movie, that there is at least one that we can all relate to.

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay

1.) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – responsibilities include farming, agricultural products, food stamps, and anti-poverty programs, and conservation and natural resource protection. The inspectors of this department are responsible for the safety of the nation’s food supply. 2.) U.S. Department of Commerce- responsible for everything we buy and sell, they regulate everything from foreign trade to fishing to the granting of patents, they oversee programs that support minority businesses, and provides statistics and analyses for business and government planners. 3.) U.S Department of Defense (DOD)- responsible for supplying military hardware, administering personnel pay and benefits, providing info to the public and military, managing military education programs and attempting to locate missing personnel or prisoners of war. 4.) U.S. Department of Education- their first responsibility is making sure that the nation’s public school systems provide students with proper school supplies, educational facilities and qualified teachers. Personnel promote parental involvement in their children’s education, develop financial aid policies and encourage the use of modern technology in the classroom. 5.) U.S. Department of Energy- works to ensure that the nation has a steady, consistent and safe supply of energy. Energy scientists work to harness the sun’s power while its physicists attempt to capture nuclear energy for civilian or military use. 6.) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – the government’s primary agency for overseeing the health and well-being of the American people. HHS employees work on more than 300 programs and perform essential services ranging from food safety to medical research to drug abuse prevention. HHS has regional offices across the country. 7.) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – first priority is to protect the nation against further terrorist attacks. Component agencies will analyze threats and intelligence, guard the nation’s borders and airports, protect critical national infrastructure, and coordinate the nation’s response for future emergencies. 8.) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – responsible for ensuring that American families have access to decent, safe and affordable housing. Among HUD’s biggest programs are insuring mortgages for homes and loans for home improvement, making direct loans for construction or rehabilitation of housing projects for the elderly and the handicapped, providing federal housing subsidies for low- and moderate-income families, and enforcing fair housing and equal housing access laws. 9.) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) – manages the nation’s natural resources, from land and water to coal and natural gas. By monitoring the extraction of natural resources, Interior Department personnel work to efficiently protect and preserve the environment. The Department also houses the office responsible for overseeing Native American affairs. 10.) U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) – makes sure that federal laws aimed at protecting the public and promoting competitive business practices are implemented, including immigration and naturalization statutes, consumer safeguards and criminal prosecutions. The FBI falls under the Justice Department’s authority. 11.) U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) – administers and enforces laws and regulations that ensure safe working conditions, minimum hourly pay and overtime. Through its varied initiatives, it also works to meet the special employment-related needs of the disabled, the elderly and minorities, and provides job banks, unemployment benefits and workplace health regulations. 12.) U.S. Department of State- responsible for the conduct of the nation’s foreign affairs and diplomatic initiatives. State Department personnel coordinate conferences with foreign leaders, hammer out treaties and other agreements with foreign governments and protect the safety of US citizens traveling abroad. 13.) U.S. Department of the Treasury- Printing the nation’s money is only one of many responsibilities overseen by the nation’s second oldest cabinet department (only the State Department has been around longer). It also sets domestic financial, economic and tax policy, manages the public debt and collects taxes. Less obvious is Treasury’s other major role—law enforcement; the Secret Service and the Customs Service are Treasury agencies. 14.) U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) – Cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, and airplanes all fall under the Department of Transportation’s authority. So does the nation’s transportation infrastructure. The work of Transportation Department employees makes it possible for Americans to travel home for the holidays, away on vacation, and even to and from work. The Transportation Department is also home to the new Transportation Security Administration, which is responsible for protecting the country’s transportation systems and ensuring the safety of its passengers. 15.) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – Best known for its healthcare system, the VA also provides social support services, administers pensions and other veterans’ benefits, and promotes the hiring of veterans.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Federal Reserve

The U. S. Federal Reserve System ECO/372 Sundeep Jain The U. S. Federal Reserve System The Federal Reserve System was founded by Congress in 1913. It was created to be the central banking system of the U. S. The Federal Reserve is designed as the superior monetary financial system of our country. The role of the Federal Reserve and its influence on the countries’ banking system has increased. The Federal Reserve System of the United States is what makes the financial wheel move. The Federal Reserve System is also known as the Central Bank of the United States.The Great Depression forced an overhaul of the state of the Federal Reserve System at that time. During the depression, many banks closed its doors and aslo many companies failed due to bankruptcy. Consequently, the unemployment rate increased to levels unheard of. The Federal Reserve System monitors and controls the banking system of the United States. One of its major responsibilities of the Reserve System is to maintai n the stability of the financial system and offers financial assistance to the countries’ banking institutions.Another responsibility is to oversee the economic stability of employment within the nations’ interests. Another responsibility of the Federal Reserve System of the United States is to stabilize the price of goods and services. The Federal Reserve System is responsible for overseeing and supervising the financial institutions operating within the United States territorial jurisdiction. In addition, the Federal Reserve System is responsible for conducting research to maintain the current state of economy and help keep it running.While it carries out its responsibilities, the Federal Reserve is independent of the main government body and is not involved with the governments’ day-to- day operations. Members of the board are appointed by the President. Also, any profits the Federal Reserve makes in revenue, are returned to the United States Treasury. The Fe deral Reserve was created to be protected from short-run political and economic pressures. The Reserve System operates on its own revenues and not money appropriated by Congress. The earnings come from interest earned from its portfolio and from money received for services provided to financial institutions.The Federal Reserve System is located in our nations’ capital, Washington D. C. It is the Overruling financial power of the U. S. The FED has the sole power to regulate all related policy. This includes things such as fixed income rates, and then deciding factors of the supply of money. The Federal Reserve System is comprised of twelve Federal Banks scattered throughout the country. Each Bank is given sole power over all commercial banks in its area. These banks oversee that all banks in its district comply with any and all rules and regulations.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Organization And Management Essay

INTRODUCTION Control is the process of assuring the efficient accomplishment of enterprise objectives. In the turbulent environment faced by management, power and control is necessary to anticipate problems, measure performance against standards, take corrective actions for deviations from plans and if necessary, modify plans. The term control may have some negative connotations for some. In the management process, it is a facilitating function aiding the organization to accomplish the set objectives. The primary responsibility for exercising control rests with management at HQ division with the execution of plans. In an organization, control consists in verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plans adopted, the instructions issued and principles established. Its object is to point out weaknesses and errors in order to rectify them and prevent recurrence. It operates on everything, things, people, and actions. It is wrong to assume that only top management has the responsibility for power and control and that there is little need for control at lower levels of management. While the scope for control may vary to some extent depending upon the position of an employee in the hierarchy, all those who have responsibility for the execution of plans need to exercise control too. M/s Engineering Products is an engineering company, based in UK, manufacturing mechanical tools for various industrial manufactures .Due to the marketing trend and policy change, the company sometime in 1980 did some major deviations by closing and selling some units and presently in the trade of defense, industrial services and auto parts. The company is in the line of exporting components to different countries. It has processed for expansion, 50% of the employees are stationed in Western Europe and North America. Bulk of the sales is taken care by Western Europe and America and a very small portion by UK. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The major prerequisites of control are two: a plan and a structure. a) Plan: controls must be based on plan. The more clear and complete the plans are the more effective controls can be; plans become the standards by which the actions are measured. b) Structure: There is need for a structure to know where the responsibility rests for deviations and corrective action, if any needed. As in the case of plans, the more clear and complete the organization structure is, the more effective control can be. Controls, to be effective, should share the following basic characteristics: Appropriate: Controls should correspond to an organization’s plans. Controls designed for a Management Executive are inappropriate for a supervisor Strategic: Control should serve a strategic purpose and provide spotlight on positive and negative exceptions at critical points. Acceptable: Controls will not work unless people want them to. They should be acceptable to those to whom they apply. Reliable and objective: Controls should be accurate and unbiased. If they are unreliable and subjective, people will resent them. THE POWER AND CONTROL PROCESS In the Engineering Products the control process used  Ã‚     involves three steps: (a) establishing standards. (b) measuring performance against these standards, and (c) reinforcing success/correcting deviations. a) Establishing Standards: Standards mean criteria of performance. Standards may be of many kinds and include verifiable goals set in qualitative or quantitative terms. Engineering Products has established standards in areas such as: (a) Profitability (b) Productivity (c) Market Share (d) Worker Performance (e) Innovation (f) Social Responsibility Standards are based on past performance, managerial judgment or scientific analysis. Standards are used to measure performance and judge success or failure. b) Measuring of Performance: Essentially, it is a comparison between â€Å"what is† and â€Å"what should be† the performance. Ideally, measurement should be done on a forward-looking basis to predict probable deviations from standards rather than merely be used as a post mortem exercise. c) Reinforcing Success/Correcting Deviations: When plans and organization structures are clear, it is easy to reinforce success and avoid failures. When deviations are noticed or apprehended based on warning signs, the reasons can be analyzed and appropriate corrective actions taken promptly. LITERATURE REVIEW POLICIES AND DESIGN CHOICES IN CONTROL Engineering Products are following three options in exercising control: centralization or delegation formal or informal direct or indirect preferences for one or a mix of all options are matters of judgment. Each option has relevance in a particular situation Centralization or Delegation Centralization is an approach where control is exercised by the HQ or the top management group.   Thus, functional autonomy will be lacking at operating levels. Delegation, on the contrary, manifests transfer of decision-making authority downward and outward within the formal structure. Sometimes, decision-making power is transferred downwards in a hierarchy prescribing limits on the scope and type of decisions. Centralized Control: makes it easier to coordinate the activities of various subunits/departments in an organization. seeks to achieve balance among various functions because the top management can be expected to have a broad organization-wide perspective. proves more useful because control will be in the hands of senior, experienced top executives. is necessary to meet extraordinary situations. is economical since duplication in activities and resource use can be avoided. Delegation and decentralization too have positive features: they relieve the top management from overload. motivate individuals to give better performance due to opportunities for individual freedom, discretion and control. contribute to the personal and professional development of managers.†¢ people at operating Direct or Indirect There are two ways of controlling. One way is to supervise subordinates’ activities closely, trace deviations to the persons responsible and get them to correct their practices. This is called indirect control The other way is to develop high quality managers who will properly understand and apply managerial principles, functions, techniques and philosophy, make few mistakes and initiate corrective actions, wherever necessary, themselves. This is called direct control. The higher the quality of managers and their subordinates, the less will be the need for indirect controls. Conflict and Negotiation Life is a never ending process of one conflict after another. Conflict has always been widespread in society but it is only recently that it has generated a lot of interest and has been the focus of research and study. Employees have become more vociferous in their demands for a better deal. Various departments in an organization face a situation full of conflicts due to a number of reasons like goal diversity, scarcity of resources or task interdependence etc. Negotiation is an attempt to find a solution that reconciles or integrates the needs of both parties who work together to define the problem and to identify mutually satisfactory solutions. In negotiation, there is open expression of feelings as well as exchange of task-related information. The most critical ingredients in successful negotiation are: 1 Definition of the problem should be a joint effort based on shared fact finding. 2 Problems should be stated in terms of specifics. 3 Discussions between the groups should consist of specific, non-evaluative comments and questions should be asked to elicit information. 4The groups should work together in developing alternative solutions. 5All agreements about separate issues should he considered tentative.   Without trust, each group will fear manipulation and may not reveal its true preferences. Secondly, integrative problem solving takes a lot of time and can succeed only in the absence of pressure for a quick settlement. Direct control hastens corrective actions, lightens the burden caused by indirect control and subordinates feel less concerned about superior’s subjectivity in rating their performance because in indirect control one would feel a close relationship between performance and measurement. METHODOLOGY The central HR function at Engineering Products had been placed on a different platform after the other units placed at different places are moving towards international integration. integration. A system is being formed for interaction of different managers of different units and how international postings to be managed HR department at HQ office desires to play a more forceful role rather than doing only doing routine administrative work. The Dynamics of Personnel/Human Resource Management (P/HRM) is a dynamic discipline as it mostly deals with ever-changing work settings, characterized by people having varied cultural, social and religious backgrounds, diverse goals, multifarious expectations and attitudes. The personnel scene itself has been changing quite dramatically over the years. State regulations, competitive pressures, unionization of employees, do exert a strong influence on the way the personnel function is carried out in various organizations. Over the years, employees have become more sophisticated in their demands for high quality work environments, adequate benefits, proper training and career growth opportunities. All these factors compel human resource professionals to look for ways to improve their interactions with employees, other managers and outside groups in order to maximize worker productivity and satisfaction. Changing Role of Human Resource in View of Social Factors: A number of environmental factors influence the work of HR office.They cannot perform  Ã‚   in a vacuum. These factors influence the organization through human resources. External factors separately or in combination can influence the HR function of any organization. The job of a HR manager is to balance the demands and expectations of the external groups with the internal requirements and achieve the assigned goals in an efficient and effective manner. The HR manager has to work closely with these constituent parts, understand the internal dynamics properly and devise ways and means to survive and progress. Local and State Factors State is the custodian of industrial and economic activities. The emergence of problems on the industrial front in the form of trade union movement, failure of many employers to deal fairly with workers, non-fulfillment of plan targets forced the states to intervene in human resource management and to enact various pieces of labor legislation.    Unions Unions have also gained strength. At present, these organizations constitute one of the power blocks in many countries. With the formation and recognition of these organizations, the issues relating to employee interests are no longer determined by the unilateral actions of management. These have to be discussed with union representatives invariably.   In consequence, the scope of managerial discretion in personnel activities has been narrowed down. Changing Work Values   Organizations must now advance from general affirmation and enthusiasm for the career development of their personnel to greater precision. The concepts and goals development programmes must be more precise, more widely understood, reflected in formal policy statements and translated into institutional and personnel practice. Alienation from the job, increasing counter-productive behavior, rising expectations and changing ideas of employees are some of the other factors responsible for the changing values and roles of human force. Consequently it has become imperative for the management to include  Ã‚   benefits to improve morale, introduce a machinery to redress grievances, encourage employee participation in decision-making and the like to pave the way for industrial betterment and to meet the ever increasing demands of workforce. Culture In Organization Every organization has some characteristics which are common with any other organization. At the same time, each organization has its unique set of characteristics and properties. This psychological structure of organization and their sub-units is usually referred to as Organizational Culture. Organizational culture is a relatively enduring quality of the internal environment that is experienced by the members, influences their behavior, and can be described in terms of values of a particular set of characteristics of the organization. Organizational culture is the set of characteristics that describe an organization and that (a) distinguish one organization from other organizations; (b) are relatively enduring over time and (c) influence the behavior of the people in the organization. Organizational Culture is a relatively uniform perception held of the organization, it has common characteristics, it is descriptive, it can distinguish one organization from another and it integrates individual, group and organization system variables. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE. Organization structure refers to the formal, established pattern of relationships amongst the various parts of a firm or any organization. The fact that these relationships are formal implies that they are deliberately specified and adopted and do not evolve on their own. Of course, it may sometimes happen that given an unusual situation, new working relationships may evolve and which may later be adopted as representing the formal structure.   Only when relationships are clearly spelled out and accepted by everyone, can they be considered as constituting a structure. This does not mean that once established, there can be no change in these relationships. Changes may be necessary with passage of time and change of circumstances, but frequent and erratic changes are to be avoided. References Peters, Thomas, J. and Waterman, Robert H., 1999. Management of Development Programmes, Harper and Row: New York. Elbing, A.1998. Behavioral Decisions in Organizations, Scott Foresman: Glenview. P.0.1991. A Stud .of Decision Making Job Choice. MIT Press: Cambridge. Vroom, V.1-I and Yetton, P.W.1997. Organisational Leadership and Decision Making. University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh. Barnard, C.l.l997. The Functions of the Executive. Harvard University Press: Cambridge. Behling, 0, and Schriesheim, C. 1996. Organisational Behavior. Theory, Research and Application. Allyn and Bacon: Boston. Elbing, A.1988. Behavioral Decisions in Organizations, Scott Foresman: Glenview. Vroom, V.H. and Yetton, P.W.1983. Leadership and Decision Making. University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh. Stephin Robbins. et al. Action-research as applied to Development, in Organization Development and Research (Ed. Wendell L French et al) Business Publications Inc., Dallas (1998). Eager G., Change Agent Skills: Assessing and Designing Excellence, University Associates California (1998). Fohman, Mark.A. et al. Action-research as applied to Development, in Organization Development and Research (Ed. Wendell L French et al) Business Publications Inc., Dallas (1998). Chris Argyris, Management and Organization Development: The Path form X4 to YB, McGraw Hill, New York (1991). Beckhard, R. Harris, R. T Organization transitions: Managing Complex Changes, Addison Wesley (1997). Cascio, W.F., Fundamentals of Modern Organisations, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York,1992 Purecell J.,Boxall P., Organisational Management, Plagrave, Macmillan, New York,2003

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

African American Essay

Created in 1975, For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow is Enuf, focuses on the struggles of black women not only from that era, but issues still pertaining to black women 35 years later. Shange’s powerful choreopoem is comprised of seven women trying to â€Å"sing a black girl’s song†¦. Sing a song of life, she’s been dead so long†(Shange 18), creating a voice for every woman. None of these women possess a name, only a color, to show that they represent all women of color. Shange includes themes of love, abandonment, sexuality, abortion, and domestic violence to emphasize what women in her community were and still are subjugated to. Through dance, poetry, and music these women slowly but surely find their true identity. Ntozake uses her work as a tool to empower all â€Å"colored girls† by creating these seven strong women that form a bond when they are able to find their identity as black women, and essentially in their journey make it to the end of their rainbows without committing suicide. When looking into Shange’s life there’s no question that situations, which she had observed day-to-day or experienced herself, were imposed on her writings. Born as Paulette Williams she was raised in a middle class family, which was not a childhood common for blacks. Her family moved to St. Louis and she attended a non-segregated school where she had to endure blatant racism at the mere age of eight years old. She rebelled against her family’s satisfaction with being a part of the middle class when she still had to deal with the hardships of being black and a woman. Realizing that in the real world there were limitations being set on blacks and women in society, produced her anger: the catalyst to her decision to write to not only empower women, but to empower and teach young girls about social issues as well. Paulette showed that women could be successful when she entered Barnard College, but during this time her happiness that stemmed from her success turned into melancholy when her husband left her and she attempted suicide many times. She overcame this and let her voice come alive through her works. Her experience shows why the theme that runs rampant throughout her writings is for black women to rely on themselves, and to not allow themselves to become dependent on a man, for this is the only way they will become whole and attain their true identity. The girls in For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/ When the Rainbow is Enuf, like Paulette all overcome their issues when their voice is no longer silenced, and do not commit suicide. Williams later took the African name Ntozake Shange meaning, â€Å"she who brings her own things,† and â€Å"one who walks with lions. † She explained to Allan Wallach in Newsday that it was necessary for her to embrace a new name because she felt she was â€Å"living a lie:† â€Å"[I was] living in a world that defied reality as most black people, or most white people, understood it – in other words, feeling that there was something that I could do, and then realizing that nobody was expecting me to do anything because I was colored and I was also female, which was not very easy to deal with†(qttd. in Wainwright). She did this to show that she was no longer Paulette Williams who society believed was a black woman who wasn’t suppose to amount to anything, and didn’t want other women to believe that black women being successful should be deemed unusual. In her essay, â€Å"is not gd to be born a girl†, she wants all women to understand that †we pay for being born girls/ but we owe no one anything / not our labia, not our clitoris, not our lives. we are born girls & live to be women who live our own lives/ to live our lives/ to have/ our lives/ to live†(Rothenberg 132). Her theme in this essay, that women will gain a self satisfaction only when they are able specify their own dreams without allowing society to hinder their destiny from becoming reality, is the same philosophy that is within for colored girls, and seems to be what Ntozake Shange followed in her own life. The significance of Shange’s title for this choreopoem should not be overlooked. The title’s rich meanings gives readers an insight on what the author’s views are, and also allows the reader to imagine their own possible meanings. Shange uses the word â€Å"Colored† which calls attention to when it was once used as a derogatory term used by white oppressors. Although â€Å"Colored† was used as a derogatory term, it was also used within the black culture to bring them together. For colored girls, was used in the title to specifically target young â€Å"colored girls. † In the beginning of the journey of the seven women they all sing, Mama’s little baby likes shortnin, shortnin, Mama’s little baby likes shortnin bread Mama’s little baby likes shortnin, shortnin, Mama’s little baby likes shortnin bread (Shange 20). From this childhood song to lady in yellow talking about her â€Å"graduation nite† where she â€Å"was the only virgin in the crowd†(Shange 21), Shange used these poems to show her readers the journey from girlhood to womanhood. She wanted the dangers that black woman struggle to overcome, information that most parents will withhold, to be heard by these young girls: The reason that For Colored Girls is entitled For Colored Girls is that’s who it was for†¦I want a twelve year-old girl to reach out for and get information that isn’t just contraceptive information but emotional information†¦if there is an audience for whom I write, it’s the little girls who are coming of age. I want them to know that they are not alone and that we adult women thought and continue to think about them (Hamilton 79-80). Even though Shange’s work is intended for children it is still considered inspirational for both women and girls. In addition to the word â€Å"colored† within the title, the image of the â€Å"rainbow† also holds important meanings. The rainbow symbolizes the emotional aspect, which Shange discusses. All these women go through emotional pains caused by either men or themselves, but at the end of their storm or distress they all eventually make it to the end of the rainbow that is â€Å"enuf† for them to go on without committing suicide. The rainbow has a human form, and comes alive through the seven women that give a voice to all women. Even though there are statements from different women, Shange writes in such a way where you read each statement as a whole entity putting this rainbow of women together. The rainbow also refers to how unique each â€Å"colored girl† is, each having their own attributes that allow them to amount to something in society no matter what is believed by others.